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Blood & Marrow Transplantation In Sanar International Hospital Delhi India

The Department of Bone Marrow Transplant in Gurgaon at Sanar is a hub of excellence, offering state-of-the-art modalities for carrying out the most complex bone marrow transplants in both adults as well as children. We have a dedicated team of bone marrow transplant experts in Gurgaon, specialised in all kinds of BMT procedures. The expertise of the team is complemented by best in class facilities from across the globe. The department has dedicated labs and units where the procedure that carried out. Our team will guide you on every step ensuring transparency of treatment while maintaining patient confidentiality at the same time.

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    What is Bone Marrow Transplant?

    A bone marrow transplant is a special therapy that involves the replacement of the diseased bone marrow of a patient with healthy stem cells. The procedure is recommended to patients suffering from certain types of cancers or diseases that target the bone marrow. These include leukaemia, lymphomas, aplastic anaemia and certain immune deficiency disorders. The bone marrow is a brown spongy tissue found inside the bones, which is responsible for the development of blood cells. The goal of bone marrow transplant is to

    • Replace diseased and non-functional bone marrow of the patient
    • Boost the immune system, to help fight certain diseases and ailments
    • Replace the bone marrow that has been destroyed during chemotherapy, given for treating some other malignancy
    • Replace existing bone marrow with genetically healthy bone marrow to alleviate the risks of certain genetic diseases.

    Bone marrow transplant is broadly classified into two types – autologous bone marrow transplant and allogeneic bone marrow transplant.

    Dr. Dharma Choudhary

    Dr. Dharma Choudhary

    Specialist:      Hematologic Oncologist, BMT Specialist
    Experience:    20+ years of experience
    Hospital:          Sanar International Hospital

    About Doctor:

    • Director and HOD
    • Dr. Dharma is a highly acclaimed clinician in the field of Hematology & Marrow transplant and he is widely acknowledged for his patient-centric approach.
    • With more than 20 years of experience.

    Dr. Divya Doval

    Dr. Divya Doval

    Specialist:      Hemato-Oncologist & BMT Specialist
    Experience:   14+ years of experience
    Hospital:         Sanar International Hospital

    About Doctor:

    • Consultant
    • Dr. Divya Doval is currently working at Sanar International Hospital Gurugram.
    • With a vast experience of 14 years, Dr. Divya excels in this specialty.

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