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Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (DBS) in India

What is Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery?

Deep brain stimulation, or DBS, is a surgical method of treating a particular type of Parkinson’s disease. If a patient has Parkinson’s disease, he might have aggravated symptoms like shaking, tremors, rigidity, and loss of movement control.
These symptoms make a person dependent on simple daily routine things. That’s why it needs interventional treatment.

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    How is the Procedure Performed?

    In the Deep brain stimulation technique, a small pacemaker device is installed in the chest area, which triggers the area of the brain which has control over the body.
    These signals block some nerve conduction, which is unknowingly being passed to the organs.
    This way, symptoms mainly subside.
    The procedure is done in two steps. In the first step, thin wires or electrodes are placed, and in the second step, a pacemaker is installed.
    Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (DBS) in India

    Who is the Right Doctor for Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery?

    Medical specialists who deal with such cases and treatments are Neurologists and Neurosurgeons.

    What is the Usual Success Rate for this Procedure?

    The five-year survival rate for DBS-treated patients is around 50%, and the quality of life is being improved to a very great extent.
    A patient can manage his symptoms, do day-to-day activities independently, and have a sense of independence backed up.

    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a treatment that uses an implanted device to provide an electrical current to specific parts of your brain. This current boosts the efficiency of certain components. It’s most commonly used to treat Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy, but researchers are looking at whether it can assist with a variety of other ailments as well.
    During deep brain stimulation in India, stimulators are implanted on both sides of the brain in patients. The electrodes are subsequently placed after the stimulators have detected the inactive areas. The electrodes are then wired to a pacemaker device that is implanted beneath the skin of the chest below the collarbone.
    The cost of deep brain stimulation in India is fairly affordable, although it varies depending on the hospital facility and city. Deep brain stimulation treatment cost in India is considerably too much in the United States and the United Kingdom, substantially more than it does in India.

    What is Deep Brain Stimulation :

    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical treatment that involves implanting electrodes in the brain and delivering electrical impulses to prevent or modify the abnormal activity that produces symptoms.
    The deep brain stimulation system is made up of four parts:

    Leads: Thin, insulated cables that connect to electrodes in the brain.
    A pulse generator: It is a tiny device that generates electrical pulses, similar to a pacemaker.
    Extensions: Lines link to the brain leads and carry electrical pulses from the device.
    Programming device: The handheld programmer has the ability to change the device’s signals as well as turn them on and off.

    Deep brain stimulation involves inserting electrodes into specific areas of the brain. Wires connect the electrodes to a pacemaker device (known as an Implantable Pulse Generator) inserted beneath the skin of the chest below the collarbone.
    The pulse generator once turned on, provides constant electrical pulses to the target areas of the brain, changing the aberrant activity that is generating symptoms. The deep brain stimulation technology works in a similar fashion to a heart pacemaker. Deep brain stimulation in India is often referred to as “the brain’s pacemaker.”

    What Are the Symptoms that Lead to Require for DBS

    Depending on the type of sickness, patients may have a number of symptoms. Some instances are as follows:

    Dystonia :

    • Muscle contractions that occur involuntarily while performing certain actions (e.g. writing)
    • Muscle spasms are enhanced by stress, fatigue, and anxiety
    • Temporary confusion
    • About of staring
    • Consciousness loss
    • Jerking movements of the arms or legs that are uncontrollable
    • Frequent emotional responses like fear and anxiety 

    Essential Tremor :

    • Tremor that occurs while completing routine chores like writing or drinking

    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder :

    • Infection or germ phobia
    • Aggressive behavior for handwashing or excessive cleaning against others or toward oneself
    • Having things in symmetrical or flawless order
    • Counting obsession
    • Checking everything several times (e.g. oven is off, the door is locked, etc.)

    Parkinson’s Disease :

    • Tremor 
    • Bradykinesia is a slowing of movement.
    • Body stiffness
    • Unusual walking

    Why DBS is Done :

    Each human brain has billions of neurons that communicate with one another via electrical and chemical impulses. Several brain diseases can cause neurons in various sections of your brain to become less active. When this happens, those areas of your brain stop working properly. You may have disturbances in the abilities regulated by the damaged section of the brain.
    DBS uses an artificial electrical current to stimulate certain neurons, which can help with the symptoms of a variety of brain diseases. However, experts are still unsure of how or why this happens.
    DBS is a surgical intervention used to treat patients with movement disorders such as essential tremors, Parkinson’s disease, and dystonia. It can also be used to control symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and epilepsy. This procedure is utilized when medications are no longer effective for patients maintaining a good quality of life.
    These diseases affect thousands of people worldwide. DBS has been used to treat over 160,000 people for various neurological conditions.

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      Deep Brain Stimulation Cost in India

      Deep Brain Stimulation in India is comparatively low as compared with other countries even though India is one of the best medical tourism countries in the world. In terms of quality and standard, the level of medical care and services is comparable to that of the best hospitals in the world. Even after accounting for travel, hotel, and food expenses, Deep Brain Stimulation Cost in India starts from 24,500 USD

      As there are a number of variables that affect Deep Brain Stimulation in India, this includes the type of treatment, the method employed, as well as the hospital and location of choice, the doctor’s qualifications, and so on. For this reason alone, many people come from all over the world for medical care in India for a variety of reasons, such as the Deep Brain Stimulation Cost in India is much lower compared to other countries which is by far the most important.

      Factors Affecting the Deep Brain Stimulation Cost in India Deep Brain Stimulation in India can depend on the following factors:

      1. Deep Brain Stimulation cost in India can depend on the kind of hospital you opt for.
      2. Standard single rooms, deluxe rooms, and super deluxe rooms for the given number of nights (including room charge, room service, nursing cost, and meals).
      3. Running Space, ICU
      4. The fee to the team of physicians (Surgeons, Anesthetists, Physiotherapists, Dieticians)
      5. Medicines
      6. Regular evaluation and diagnostic processes

      Diagnosis and Testing :

      A multidisciplinary team of clinicians, including a neurologist, neurosurgeon, neuropsychologist, and psychiatrist, may care for patients. To establish the severity of their condition, patients with Parkinson’s disease or tremors may be exposed to motor symptom testing while on and off medication. Epilepsy can be diagnosed using electroencephalography and other modern procedures. Some patients may be submitted to neuropsychological testing during the evaluation. Obsessive-compulsive disorder patients must complete the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOCs).

      Prior to surgery, patients must go through the following procedures:
      Blood and urine tests are performed: Help to detect toxins and anomalies.
      MRI and/or CT scans: Imaging can help doctors target the right portion of the brain for symptom management.
      Clearance: The doctor’s approval and family consent

      How is Deep Brain Stimulation Performed

      DBS surgery can be done while you are awake (with local anesthetic and minimal sedation) or while you are asleep (local anesthesia). Some patients may be awake for part of the procedure and asleep for the rest.
      If the procedure is conducted while the patient is awake, local anesthesia is administered to numb the scalp, and the brain requires no anesthetic because it lacks pain receptors.
      Doctors may advise the patient to discontinue taking Parkinson’s medications. During the surgery, the patient is requested to complete particular tasks in order to assist the surgeon in inserting electrodes in the correct portion of the brain.
      However, some patients may find it uncomfortable to remain awake during brain surgery or to refuse medication. Because the patient would be unconscious during the surgery, general anesthesia is an alternative choice.
      The following are the steps involved in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in India:

      • Attaching the stereotactic frame
      • Imaging scans – MRI or CT scan
      • An incision on the skin and skull 
      • Insertion of the electrode in the brain
      • Stimulation of the brain cells
      • Closure of the incision
      • Implanting the stimulator
      • Programming the stimulator

      What are the Advantages and Risks Associated with Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery :

      DBS has a number of advantages. These are some cases:

      • When medications are inadequate, they may provide a treatment option
      • It has the potential to be a life-changing (or perhaps life-saving) treatment
      • It is movable
      • It can be reversed

      Among the possible complications of surgery are:

      • Sepsis and infections
      • Bleeding (internal or at the site of your incisions)
      • Coma
      • Stroke
      • Swelling within and outside of your head

      Some complications may arise as a result of the leads and pulse generator. These include:

      • Lead shifting or improper placement
      • Lead wires are separating from the pulse generator
      • The leads or the pulse generator have failed
      • Soreness or pain surrounding the pulse generator

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        Living with Stimulator:

        After the DBS has been programmed, you will be sent home with instructions for regulating your own stimulation. The handheld controller allows you to turn the stimulator on and off, pick programs, and regulate the intensity of the stimulation. The majority of patients leave their DBS system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some individuals with essential tremors can use it during the day and then turn it off before going to bed. If required, your doctor may adjust the settings during follow-up appointments.
        You will need to utilize a charging unit if your DBS has a rechargeable battery. The average charging time per week is 1 to 2 hours. You will have the option of using a primary cell battery or a rechargeable device, which you should discuss with your physician before surgery.
        Cell phones, pagers, microwaves, security doors, and anti-theft sensors, like a cardiac pacemaker, will not interfere with your stimulator. When flying, keep your Implanted Device Identification card with you because the device is identified at airport security gates.
        Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a treatment option for a variety of disorders that impair brain function and mental health. It is nearly always a possibility when other treatments and approaches have failed. It is most commonly used to treat Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy, but researchers are also investigating the prospect of utilizing it to treat a variety of other disorders. While it does require two to three procedures, it is also quite effective in reducing symptoms and treating conditions that have a negative impact on your quality of life.

        How to Choose a Hospital For Deep Brain Stimulation In India

        Hospitals that perform Deep Brain Stimulation in India are well-known for their hospitality and patient care services providing the finest cancer hospital and neurologists and neurosurgeons in India. However, choosing a suitable hospital for treatment can be difficult for an international patient. It is a significant decision that must be made with several factors in mind, including:

        • Quality certificates and accreditations
        • Hospital and transportation facility location
        • Team of doctors and surgeons
        • Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
        • International patient assistance

        Why Do Individuals Prefer to Have Deep Brain Stimulation in India

        Certainly, India is a popular destination for those seeking disease-related treatment and medical procedures. Deep Brain Stimulation in India is typically a fraction of the cost of a comparable procedure and consideration in the United States and other developed countries. In any case, the cost may vary depending on the type of medical procedure, the use of inserts, and the patient’s other conditions. As a result, the final charges for Deep Brain Stimulation in India given to patients are entirely based on their clinical reports, as well as the patient’s current condition, type of medical procedure, type of room, the specialist’s skill, and hospital brand.
        The best hospitals for Deep Brain Stimulation in India provide comprehensive appropriate treatment, including comprehensive preoperative evaluations, minimally invasive surgical options, and post-operative rehabilitation programs. Patients can expect personalized treatment, individualized attention, and compassionate care at these medical facilities. 

        Q: What should I avoid after DBS surgery?
        A: Heavy activity should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. This includes any physical activity such as jogging, swimming, or physical education programs. To allow your surgery wound to heal properly, avoid doing anything difficult. Before engaging in any activity, see your doctor if you have any concerns.

        Q: How long does it take for deep brain stimulation to work?
        A: The level of stimulation is customized, and it could take up to six months to establish the right balance. Depending on your condition, stimulation may be continuous 24 hours a day, or your doctor may urge you to switch your pulse generator off at night and on again in the morning.

        Q: What can go wrong with DBS surgery?
        A: Movement-related adverse events such as loss of balance, marginal paralysis, jolts and shocks, and impaired coordination may occur in people who have had DBS. Following DBS surgery, it is fairly uncommon for individuals to suffer increased tremors.

        Q: Is DBS surgery painful?
        A: Although there may be some adverse effects, the operation is not particularly uncomfortable. Patients may experience various side effects in the weeks and months following a DBS treatment, depending on their medications and the initial programming. Abnormal sensations, numbness, tingling, and involuntary muscle contractions are all possible side effects.

        Q: Does DBS help with fatigue?
        A: In Parkinson’s disease, fatigue is a prevalent and disabling non-motor symptom (PD). While deep brain stimulation surgery (DBS) has been linked to a reduction in motor complaints, it has also been linked to non-motor adverse effects. No study has used standardized tools to assess fatigue after DBS surgery to date.

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          IBS Hospital

          IBS Hospital New Delhi

          Number of beds:   50
          ICU Beds:                  12
          Airport Distance: 15 Km

          Brief about :

          • Established in 2011, IBS Hospital specializes in advanced neurosurgery, neurology, spine surgery, and joint replacement surgeries.
          • The hospital receives more than 600 international patients per year.
          • It has world-class infrastructure and a dedicated team of specialists and qualified staff.

          Doctors in IBS Hospital

          Best Doctor
          Dr. Sachin Kandhari

          Dr. Sachin Kandhari

          16 years of experience
          IBS Hospital New Delhi

          About Doctor:

          • Besides, he performs Neuro-Modulation, including DBS, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Vagal Nerve Stimulation, Sacral Neuro-Modulation, Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation.

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          Fortis Memorial Research Institute

          Number of beds:    1000
          ICU Beds:                  298
          Airport Distance:  17 KMs

          Brief About:

          • Fortis Memorial Research Institute was established in 2001.
          • It is an outstanding multi-speciality quaternary care hospital,having the top-notch infrastructure, advanced equipment, highly qualified and experienced medical professionals and super sub-specialists.
          • Fortis Hosptial Gurgaon is an advanced centre of excellence in Robotic Surgery, Neurosciences, Oncology, Renal Sciences, BMT, Organ Transplants, Orthopaedics, Cardiac Sciences and Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

          Doctors in Fortis Gurgaon

          Best Doctor
          Dr. Sandeep Vaishya

          Dr. Sandeep Vaishya
          Spine & Neurosurgeon
          22+ years of experience
          Fortis Hospital Gurgaon
          About Doctor:

          • Sandeep Vaishya is a renowned Neurosurgeon in India with more than 22 years of experience in the field having worked with some of the top institutions and hospitals of India.

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          indraprastha apollo hospital

          Indraprastha Apollo Hospital

          No. of beds: 900
          ICU Beds:     262
          Airport:  20kms

          About Hospital:

          • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital is a flagship hospital of India’s foremost healthcare groups,the Apollo Group. It is a highly renowned multi-speciality facility that offers tertiary and quaternary care services to domestic and international patients.
          • The 900 bedded hospital is outfitted with the most modern technology for diagnostics as well as therapeutic purposes.
          • A team of highly trained medical professionals work under all the 52 specialities at the hospital.

          Doctors in Apollo New Delhi

          Best Doctor
          Dr. Nikhil Jain

          Dr. Nikhil Jain
          Spine Surgeon
          13+ years of experience
          Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
          About Doctor:

          • Dr. Nikhil Jain is a well-known and super-specialised Spine Surgeon with 13+ years of experience in the field of addressing spinal surgeries, diseases and disorders.

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          Artemis Hospital

          Artemis Hospital Gurgaon

          Number of beds:  600
          ICU Beds:                185
          Airport Distance: 19 Km

          Brief About:

          • Artemis Hospital, established in 2007, spread across 9 acres, is a 600plus bed; state-of-the-art multi-speciality hospital located in Gurgaon, India.
          • Artemis Hospital is the first JCI and NABH accredited hospital in Gurgaon.
          • Designed as one of the most advanced hospitals in India, Artemis provides a depth of expertise in the spectrum of advanced medical & surgical interventions, a comprehensive mix of inpatient and outpatient services.

          Doctors in Artemis Hospital

          Best Doctor
          Dr. Hitesh Garg

          Dr. Hitesh Garg
          Orthopaedic- Spine Surgeon
          16+ years of experience
          Artemis Hospital
          About Doctor:

          • Hitesh Garg has extensive experience in spine surgery having trained from the best spine centers of the world and India.

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          Best Doctor
          Dr. SK Rajan

          Dr. Sk Rajan
          Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery
          16+ years of experience
          Artemis Hospital
          About Doctor:

          • SK Rajan is an ‘AO International’ Certified Spine Surgeon who brings with him over 16 years of experience in the surgical arena accumulated from a wide variety of Institutions from around the Globe.

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          Best Doctor
          Dr. Ashu Kumar Jain

          Dr. Ashu Kumar Jain
          Spine Surgeon
          14+ years of experience
          Artemis Hospita
          About Doctor:

          • Dr. Ashu Kumar Jain is a well-known Spine and Pain specialist, practicing successfully for more than 14 years.

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          BLK-Max Hospital

          Number of beds: 700
          ICU Beds:               175
          Airport Distance: 13 Km

          Brief About:

          • BLK Super Speciality Hospital was established by Dr. B.L. Kapur  in 1959. It was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.
          • BLK Super Speciality Hospital was established by Dr. B.L. Kapur  in 1959. It was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.
          • BLK has a unique combination of the best in class technology, put to use by the best names in the professional circles to ensure world-class health care to all patients.

          Doctors in BLK-Max Hospital

          Best Doctor
          Dr. Anil Kumar Kansal

          Dr. Anil Kumar Kansal
          Head of NeuroSurgery & Neuro Spine
          23+ years of experience
          BLK-Max Hospital
          About Doctor:

          • Anil Kumar Kansal, one of the most accomplished Neurosurgeons in the Country.

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          Best Doctor
          Dr. Puneet Girdhar

          Dr. Puneet Girdhar
          Spine Surgeon
          11 years of experience
          BLK-Max Hospital
          About Doctor:

          • Presently working as a Director – Orthopaedics Spine Surgery in BLK Centre for Orthopaedics, Joint Reconstruction, Spine Surgery at BLK Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi.

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          Best Doctor
          Dr. Ishwar Bohra

          Dr. Ishwar Bohra
          Spine Surgeon
          19 years of experience
          BLK-Max Hospital
          About Doctor:

          • Dr. Ishwar Bohra is a reputable senior consultant as well as an eminent joint replacement surgeon in India.

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            • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
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            Max Hospital Saket

            Number of beds:   500
            ICU Beds:                 267
            Airport Distance: 13 KM

            Brief About:

            • Max Super Speciality Hospital at Saket is one of the topmost healthcare service
            • Providers in India. The multi-super speciality hospital has a capacity of over 500 beds, 250 functional beds. It is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, advanced technologies.
            • With the help of over 300 leading specialist Doctors, strong nursing staff, and state-of-the-art innovative medical tools.

            Doctors in Max Hospital

            Best Doctor

            Dr. Arun Saroha
            Neurosurgeon / Spinal Disorders
            20+ years of experience
            Max Hospital Saket
            About Doctor:

            • Arun Saroha has an expertise in treating brain & spine disorders etc With more than 20 years of experience in Neurosurgery.

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            Best Doctor
            Dr. Bipin Walia

            Dr. Bipin Walia
            Spine Surgeon
            30+ years of experience
            Max Hospital Saket
            About Doctor:

            • Dr Bipin S Walia is one of the most renowned & experienced surgeon in the field of neurosurgery in India.

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            Best Doctor
            Dr. Amitabh Goel

            Dr. Amitabh Goel
            Spine Surgeon
            26+years of experience
            Max Hospital Saket
            About Doctor:

            • Renowned surgeon with an extensive experience of 26+ years of operating on all brain and complex spinal surgeries.

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            Medanta The Medicity Hospital

            Number of beds:  1250
            ICU Beds:                300
            Airport Distance: 18 KMs

            Brief About:

            • Medanta – The Medicity is amongst India’s largest and most renowned multi-super speciality healthcare centre with 1250 beds, 29 super speciality units and more than 800 accomplished doctors.
            • Supported by state-of-art infrastructure, all the departments in the hospital are fully equipped with cutting-edge technology, modular Operation Theatre and modernized monitoring systems in ICUs.
            • The panel of doctors from Medanta, headed by A.S.Soin performed the first successful intestinal transplant in India.

            Doctors in Medanta Hospital

            Best Doctor
            Dr. Vineesh Mathur

            Dr. Vineesh Mathur
            Spine Surgeon
            28+ years of experience
            Medanta – The Medicity
            About Doctor:

            • Vineesh Mathur has over 28 years of orthopaedic and spinal experience and over 5000 successful independent surgeries to his name.

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            Sanar International Hospital Gurugram, Delhi NCR

            Sanar International Hospital

            Number of beds:   130
            ICU Beds:                  35
            Airport Distance:  20 Km

            About Hospital:

            • Sanar International Hospital was established in 2018.
            • Sanar International Hospital founded by Mr. Naresh Kapoor.
            • Sanar International Hospital offers comprehensive advanced surgical care in specialties like Cancer, Heart, Blood and Marrow Transplant, Lung, Liver, and Neurosciences along with other major departments with advanced state-of-the-art facilities.

            Doctors in Sanar Hospital

            Best Doctor
            Dr. Harnarayan Singh

            Dr. Harnarayan Singh
            Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon
            13+ years of experience
            Sanar International Hospital
            About Doctor:

            • Dr. Harnarayan Singh, M.Ch. Neurosurgery is among the leading Neurosurgeons, He has been trained at the prestigious Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh.

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            Jaypee Hospital, Noida

            Jaypee Hospital, Noida

            Number of beds:   525
            ICU Beds :               150
            Airport Distance: 32 KMs

            About Hospital:

            • The Jaypee Hospital was conceptualized by a revered Founder Chairman, Shri Jai Prakash Gaur in 2014, with the vision of promoting world-class healthcare amongst the masses by providing quality and affordable medical care with commitment.
            • Jaypee Hospital at Noida is the flagship hospital of the Jaypee Group, which heralds the group’s noble intention to enter the healthcare space.
            • This hospital has been planned and designed as a 1200 bedded tertiary care multi-speciality facility and has commissioned 525 beds in the first phase.

            Doctors in Jaypee Hospital

            Best Doctor
            Dr. Saurabh Rawall

            Dr. Saurabh Rawall
            Spine Surgeon
            12+ years of experience
            Jaypee Hospital Noida
            About Doctor:

            • Dr Saurabh Rawall is one of the most coveted surgeons in the field of Spine Surgery.

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            Best Doctor
            Dr. Devashish Sharma

            Dr. Devashish Sharma
            Spine Surgeon
            10+ years of experience
            Jaypee Hospital, Noida
            About Doctor:

            • Dr. Devashish Sharma is a noted and highly-qualified Spine Surgeon with 10+ years of experience in the field of spine surgeries.

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            W Pratiksha Hospital

            W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon

            Number of beds: 110
            ICU Beds:                 31
            Airport Distance: 19 KMs

            About Hospital:

            • Established in 1995, W Pratiksha Hospital is a 110+ bedded flagship hospital of the Pratiksha group.
            • W Pratiksha Hospital in Gurgaon, the flagship hospital of Pratiksha Group is a one-of-its-kind facility in Gurgaon that brings to you 30 years of experience.
            • The hospital has treated more than 25,000 people In 2018.

            Doctors in W Pratiksha Hospital

            Best Doctor
            Dr.Vaibhav Bhola

            Dr. Vaibhav Bhola
            Interventional Spine & Pain Physician
            10+ years of experience
            W Pratiksha Hospital
            About Doctor:

            • Vaibhav Bhola is a Consultant and Interventional Spine & Pain Physician having experience of more than 10 years.

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            Best Doctor
            Dr. Rajesh Kumar Verma

            Dr. Rajesh Kumar Verma
            Orthopaedics, Spine Surgery
            25+ years of experience
            W Pratiksha Hospital
            About Doctor:

            • Dr. Rajesh Kumar Verma is currently working in W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon, as a Director in the department of Orthopaedics, Trauma & Spine Surgery.

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              • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
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