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Diabetes / Endocrinology In Fortis Hospital Vasant Kunj

The Department of Endocrinology is skilled in integrating the medical knowledge and extensive care to treat ailments resulting from diabetes and other endocrine-related disorders. The team of highly skilled doctors at Fortis provides consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services in the management of thyroid disorders, diabetes, pituitary and disorders of physical growth, adrenal disorders, disorders of male and female hormones. The department offers a wide range of treatments for endocrine and metabolic diseases along with under or overproduction of the hormones, menopause, lipid disorders, hypertension, short stature (lack of growth), bone diseases and also endocrine cancers. The endocrinologists use advanced technology and innovative equipment which add to the long-term commitment of patient care. The team renders comprehensive care and non-invasive diagnostic services to all the patients. The team also focuses on treatment and patient education over matters like obesity management, infertility problems in females and males, osteoporosis and hormone replacement therapies. The Department offers expert consultation, counseling and diagnosing the various problem at an early stage and treating them with great skill and experience.

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