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Dr. Himanshu Champaneri

Specialist:      Neurosurgeon
Experience:   15+ years of experience
Hospital:        W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon

Brief About Doctor:

Dr Himanshu Champaneri is a neurosurgeon at Gurugram, Delhi NCR, attached with Marengo Asia Hospitals. He serves as a Senior Consultant and leads the Functional, Epilepsy & Endoscopic Neurosurgery (FEENS) services for the Marengo Asia Health Care Hospitals.

He has 15+ years of experience in the field and has performed more than 1500 neurosurgeries. He is an expert in functional neurosurgery and performs surgeries for Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, Essential Tremors, Failed Back Syndrome, Metastatic Pain Syndrome, Spastic Cerebral Palsy, Refractory Neuropathic Pain Syndromes and Peripheral Peripheral Nerve Palsies.

Professional Achievements:

First Neurosurgeon for Schizophrenia Surgery in India:

In June 2023, Dr. Champaneri made history as the first neurosurgeon in India to perform surgery for schizophrenia using Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) targeted at the Nucleus Accumbens (NAcc).

Functional Neurosurgeries:

Specialized in surgeries for Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, Essential Tremors, Failed Back Syndrome, Metastatic Pain Syndrome, Spastic Cerebral Palsy, Refractory Neuropathic Pain Syndromes, and Peripheral Nerve Palsies.

Areas of Expertise:

Functional Neurosurgery:

DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) for various conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, Essential Tremors, and more.
Spinal Cord Stimulation for Failed Back Syndrome, Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Schizophrenia. Read More

Parkinson’s Disease:

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects how the body moves. It’s caused by a loss of cells in the brain that produce a chemical called dopamine, which helps control movement, coordination, and balance. Read More

Epilepsy Surgery:

Expertise in Stereotactic lesioning, intraoperative ECOG guided resections, Callosotomy, Hemispherotomy, Subpial Resections, and Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Read More

Endoscopic and Endoportal Brain Tumor Surgery:

Mastery in performing brain tumor surgeries via 1.8cm EndoPort, utilizing Intraoperative Ultrasound for safe and complete tumor resections. Read More

Peripheral Nerve Surgery:

Skilled in peripheral nerve surgeries, including brachial plexus repair and peripheral nerve schwannomas. Read More

Lumbar Disc Disease:

Lumbar disc disease is a common condition that affects the spine. It occurs when the discs between the vertebrae in the lower back begin to wear down and break down. Read More

Cervical Disc Prolapse:

The cervical spine, comprising the seven vertebrae in the neck, plays a crucial role in supporting the head, allowing for neck movement, and protecting the delicate spinal cord. Read More

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery:

Expert in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries for lumbar and cervical fixations, scoliosis surgery. Read More

Education and Training:

MBBS, MS (Gold Medal), FMAS, DNB (Neurosurgery).

Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery.

Minimal Access Spine Surgery – Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Professional Experience:

2019-2022: Minimally Invasive Neurosurgeon, Institute of Neurosciences, Medanta Hospital, Gurugram.

2016-2019: Senior Resident Neurosurgeon, Institute of Neurosciences, Medanta Hospital, Gurugram.

2013-2016: Minimal Access Surgeon & Assistant Professor, Seth V S Hospital & Smt NHL Medical College, Ahmedabad.

Presentations & Publications:

“Introducing the Concept of Eloquent Cortical Pyramids; A Connectomic Study” – NSICON, Agra 2023.

“Spontaneous Intratumoral Hemorrhage in Vestibular Schwannoma: A Review of 65 Cases” – NSICON, Agra 2023.

“Frameless vs Frame-based Stereotaxy for Deep Brain Stimulation” – The Handbook of Neuromodulation (2 volumes): Nova Science Publishers 2021.


  1. What is Dr. Himanshu Champaneri’s primary area of expertise?

Answer: Dr. Champaneri specializes in Functional Neurosurgery, particularly Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for conditions like Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, and Essential Tremors. He is also known for his proficiency in Epilepsy Surgery and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries.

  1. Can I consult Dr. Champaneri for Schizophrenia-related concerns?

Answer: Yes, Dr. Champaneri made history as the first neurosurgeon in India to perform surgery for schizophrenia. He conducted a groundbreaking Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery targeted at the Nucleus Accumbens (NAcc) in June 2023.

  1. What are the key areas of expertise in Dr. Champaneri’s neurosurgical practice?

Answer: Dr. Champaneri’s expertise spans Functional Neurosurgery, including DBS and Spinal Cord Stimulation, Epilepsy Surgery, Endoscopic Brain Tumor Surgery, Peripheral Nerve Surgery, and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.

  1. How can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Himanshu Champaneri at W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon?

Answer: To schedule an appointment, you can contact W Pratiksha Hospital Gurgaon directly. The hospital’s official website or contact information should provide details on the appointment booking process.

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