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Dr. Shilpa P Ramachandra

Speciality:          Radiology
Experience:       16+Years of experience
Hospital:             Manipal Hospital Bangalore

Brief About doctor:

  • A specialist in Radiology with a rich experience of over 16+years is currently working in Manipal Hospital, Old Airport Road. 
  • The Doctor has expertise in Women’s Imaging with a special interest in breast imaging, Providing symptomatic and screening breast imaging services including mammograms with Tomosynthesis, contrast-enhanced mammograms, and ultrasounds., Expertise in breast interventions such as image-guided core biopsy and aspiration, vacuum-assisted stereotactic and ultrasound Guided procedures, marker clips placement, and wire localization for breast neoplasms. Breast MRI evaluation for High-risk screening and symptomatic patients as well as for patients on neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Expertise in gynecological imaging including ultrasound, MRI, and fluoroscopic evaluation, Skilled in GI imaging including ultrasound, cross-sectional imaging (CT and MRI), and fluoroscopic evaluation. 
  • As well as routinely providing General ultrasound, specialist Doppler studies, and Oncological imaging including PET reporting services. 

Speciality Interest:

  • Women’s Imaging with a special interest in breast imaging.
  • Providing symptomatic and screening breast imaging services including mammogram with Tomosynthesis, contrast-enhanced mammogram and ultrasound.
  • Expertise in breast interventions such as image-guided core biopsy and aspiration, vacuum-assisted stereotactic and ultrasound Guided procedures, marker clips placement and wire localization for breast neoplasms. Breast MRI evaluation for High risk screening and symptomatic patients as well as for patients on neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
  • Expertise in gynecological imaging including ultrasound, MRI and fluoroscopic evaluation.
  • Skilled in GI imaging including ultrasound, cross sectional imaging (CT and MRI) and fluoroscopic evaluation. As well as routinely providing General ultrasound, specialist Doppler studies and Oncological imaging including PET reporting services.

Fellowship & Membership:

  • MBBS – Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Mangalore, India
  • MRCP – Royal College Of Physicians, London, UK
  • FRCR- Royal College Of Radiologists, London, UK
  • Fellowship in Breast imaging (Birmingham UK)

Awards & Achievements:

  • Invited speaker at regional conferences.
  • Part of breast intervention workshops in regional conferences.
  • Several posters and presentations in International conferences
  • Papers in National and International journals
  • Actively involved in teaching. DNB teacher at Manipal hospital Bangalore.


  • MBBS – Manipal Academy Of Higher Education, Mangalore, India 
  • MRCP – Royal College Of Physicians, London, UK 
  • FRCR – Royal College Of Radiologists, London, UK

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