Dr. Srinivas Kandrakonda is a well-known Psychiatrist, Neuropsychiatrist, and Adolescent and Child Psychiatrist with 11+ years of medical expertise.
The doctor provides treatment of all addiction illnesses, including alcoholism, cocainism, marijuanaism, opiates, nicotine, amphetamines, and other party drugs and compulsive gambling. He specialises in the treatment of all psychiatric and psychological conditions, such as depression, psychosis, and anxiety disorders.
He has clinical experience in the treatment of various psychiatric and mixed medical psychiatric disorders, including the use of psychotherapy and psychopharmacology (medication).
He earned his MBBS degree from Osmania Medical College. Later, he relocated to the United States of America to pursue a master’s degree programme.
Dr. Srinivas received his bachelor’s degree in Epidemiology and Psychology from Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.
He returned to India in 2010, completed his MD (Neuropsychiatry), and demonstrated expertise in the treatment of bipolar spectrum disorders, schizophrenias, addictive disorders (alcohol, ganja, gambling), childhood emotional problems, and many psychological issues across ALL ages through collaborative TEAM work.
He is registered under 52295 Telangana State Medical Council, 2004.
Dr Srinivas Kandrakonda is fluent in English, Hindi, and Telugu.