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ENT In Saifee Hospital Mumbai

The Ear, Nose, Throat Dept at Saifee Hospital is located on the 3rd floor and has state of art equipments. The Audiology department is also on the same floor, and this makes it very convenient to the patients. E.N.T. surgeons are available all throughout the day.

  • Ear Microscopy
  • Suction Clearance
  • Endoscopy

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    The above are done as OPD procedures. All the types of E.N.T and Head and Neck Surgeries are performed at Saifee Hospital. There are various patient friendly packages available for day care surgeries. Besides routine, surgeries performed are :

    • Cochlear Implant
    • BAHA Implant
    • Advanced E.N.T surgeries
    • Skull base surgeries

    Audiology & Speech Therapy :-

    The Audiology and Speech Clinic at Saifee Hospital is a one stop destination for all hearing and speech problems. Our set-up is well equipped with facilities for advanced diagnostic testing and rehabilitation for adults and children with hearing and speech related problems.

    Speech language pathologists and Audiologists are concerned with the prevention, identification and rehabilitation of children and adults with communication disorders and hearing impairment. An audiologist is a healthcare professional specializing in identifying and diagnosing disorders of hearing for adults and children. The various tests performed by an audiologist are listed below:

    • Pure Tone Audiometry
    • Free Field Audiometry
    • Speech Audiometry (SAT /SRT /SDS)
    • Special Tests (TDT /SISI /ABLB)
    • Benefit Trial for Hearing Aids
    • Immitance Audiometry
    • BERA & Trans-Tympanic e-BERA
    • OAE
    • CI Counseling
    • CI Switch-On
    • CI Mapping
    • Speech Therapy for various speech related problems

    Speech therapists or Speech language pathologists work with people who have speech and swallowing disorders. The speech language pathologists work in close association with ENT’s, Paediatricians, Neurologist, Oncologists(dealing in oro-pharyngeal cancers) Psychologists, Special Educators etc.

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