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Radiology In Max Super Specialist Hospital Patparganj

Radiology Department at Max Healthcare is equipped with a  comprehensive radiology system, providing 24×7 radiology services and performing almost millions of examinations every year.
Pillars of quality for delivering superior radiology services:
State of the art equipments:

  •  MRI units across network- 5 and 3 Tesla
  • CT machines- 16, 64, 128 and 256 slice
  • High end ultrasound Doppler machines
  • Digital X-ray machines
  • Interventional Radiology cath labs
  • Dexa and Mammography*

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    Comprehensive reporting system
    The entire network covered with integrated RIS-PACS system providing advantages of:

    • Teleradiology cover for night time and leave reporting
    • Sharing of workload and exchange cases for 2nd opinion
    • Standardization of reports
    •  Increased efficiency and lower TAT
    •  Access to past and current patient records

    Strong SOPs and real time dash boarding ensuring robust quality assistance program
    Medical grade monitors in place for reporting
    Reputed and experienced radiologists base
    Over 100 specialist performing different type of Radiology Investigations from general Radiology  and to sub- speciality imaging

    • Speciality reporting (by body area)
    • Non-invasive therapeutic procedures and diagnosis
    • Emergency radiology service for all modalities including advanced CT and MRI *

    DNB program in three hospitals: accredited by National Board of Examinations for providing post graduate education to Radiology residents. Admit 5 primary and 5 secondary students per year
    160+ technicians across network
    Robust quality and security measures

    •  International and national accreditations
      • JCI accreditation for Max Saket hospital ensuring quality of service
      • NABH accreditations for all Hospitals covering all aspects of radiology department like:
    1.  Less than 1 % reporting error
    2. Less than 0.1% of re-does
    3. 100% highlighting and informing emergency cases
    4. Less than 1% of film wastage
    5. Tracking of Clinical & Radiological Correlation
    •  HIPPA compliance ensured across the department

     QA and QC- Internal audits

    • Regular second reads performed by non-referred radiologists for ensuring quality through surveillance program
    • Peer Review meetings for teaching & discussion
    •  A formal QA/QC software under development with GE’s partnership which will further boost the quality ratings (to be implemented this year

    Our offerings (teleradiology and others)

    • Teleradiology- Complete teleradiology support for X-ray, CT and MRI
      •  Speciality based services
      • Comprehensive packages
      • Night hawk and weekend services
      • Emergency reporting
      • LOCUM services
    • Manpower support
      • Secondment of Radiologists
      • Secondment of technicians
    • Operations and management of entire radiology department
    •  Training and upskilling
      • Technologists training
      • Radiologists up skilling
    • Others
      • Turnkey solutions- Equipment setup, staff recruitment etc.
      • Clinical audit and consultation

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